Wow!  Holiday madness is in full swing at the studio!  As we started brainstorming our 2012 Holiday Studio card, I became sentimental.  It has been SUCH a good year!  Both personally, as Shaun and I moved into our new home and were blessed with our new baby girl Grace, and professionally as we had our best year in business yet.  What I am most thankful for is our clients, who have become like family to us.  All of you moms have become my girlfriends, all of these adorable babies have grown up before my eyes, and I’ve been honored to take pictures of it all along the way!  When I got teary eyed at a recent cake smash, I realized just how much I love my clients.

We’ve had lots of new families sign up for our Baby Plan in 2013 and I’m already thrilled just thinking about being a part of their lives.  And for each new family who joined ours this year, another family returned to us with their second or third babies.  I was able to watch my former newborns become amazing big brothers and sisters or celebrate their first birthdays.  I feel so grateful looking back on it all.  So THANK YOU to our amazing clients who choose us time and again.  Thank you for trusting me to capture the most special time in your lives.  And thank you to all of these babies for making me burst with joy (and giving me my daily baby fix so I’m not eternally pregnant)!


Here’s our studio card from 2011!  We can’t wait to thank you again with this year’s card!

Best wishes for a joyful Holiday season!