Remember the plastic disposable cameras you’d pick up from CVS before you went on vacation? I got a couple every time I went to Summer camp, or Florida, or even one for the last day of highschool. The envelope of prints you got back from CVS was like a treasure box.

Last Summer, My sister Meg and I bought the value pack of the cheapest disposable cameras CVS had, and we set off for Plum Island, MA.  I wanted to see if I could make the shoot interesting with only composition, posing, and movement. When you let go of the quality of the camera, lens, and pixel count, it’s actually pretty fun to focus on only the scene in front of you.

Here’s the result, and it’s one of my favorite shoots I’ve done with Meg (there have been a lot!). The photos are completely untouched by photoshop or any editing. As always, Meg is a fabulous model!

~Mariah disposable
