I actually brought my camera home this past weekend!  I had planned on taking Giuliana’s 4th birthday pictures last week, but each day 5pm crept up on me with piles of work still remaining unfinished.  I finally gave up and postponed her shoot to the weekend when work would be left at the studio.  I also had one of my best friends stopping by with her adorable 2 week old son this weekend and I knew I’d want to get a few snapshots of her family, so having the camera would be handy.  Thus I packed up the beast and brought it home, the place where most photography is sadly left to my blackberry.  I know, I know, I’m not even instragraming yet.  It’s pathetic.  The posts from those shoots will be coming soon, but today I had to share a few randoms of my own family.  If you’ve been following along with my blog, you have probably heard me promise many times to take more of my own family photos.  And you’ve probably seen an actual personal post no more than a few times a year.  I’ve stopped feeling guilty about that.  And my blackberry has a heck-of-a-lot of awful photos should my kids ever need proof that I cared. This morning I joked that I don’t have baby books for either daughter (yet), but at least they can someday check out my facebook timeline for a history of their babyhood!

So back to the weekend.  My camera was sitting on the dining room table and I noticed Grace was covered in drool.  It struck me as odd, as she hasn’t drooled a whole lot since she was born.  Then it dawned on me.  She’s almost 3 months old.  Giuliana cut her first tooth at 4 months.  Grace’s toothless grin, the best part of my whole day, the smallest detail that brings me the most indescribable joy… is almost GONE!  And I haven’t captured it!!  Maybe I AM the worst mother ever.  So I grabbed my camera and took a nice, grainy, un-colorbalanced snapshot of the cutest smile in all the world (if I do say so myself).  And when Grace asks where her baby book is one day, I can at least point her here.


Hope you’re all keeping cool with your own families this week!