Baby C is 100% princess.  Mom is an amazing photographer out of Massachusetts and we first met a few years ago for a consultation when she was pregnant with twin boys!  We’ve had fun planning all of our sessions ever since, but the most fun came when we learned that baby C was on the way!  You see, C’s mom and I share a love for all things girly.  We were thrilled to start planning all of the pink sets!  There are few people who can shop me under the table… and C’s mom is one of them.  She brings the best wardrobe and we have fun playing dress up and creating whimsical sets for C to play in.  For C’s cakesmash, mom ordered the crazy awesome snow white tutu and I designed a set inspired by the story.  We’ve been saying C looks like Snow White from the day she was born.  I think you’ll agree, she’s the fairest of them all!  Enjoy your sneak peek!  xo ~ Heidi


Are you dreaming of joining our Baby Plan and having a year’s worth of Heidi Hope Photography sessions to look forward to?  The best time to call is in your 2nd or 3rd trimester!  401-864-1919
